Janet Jade. The name brings tears of joy to the eyes of many SCORE Men. 38DDD is a goal many women spend lots of time and money to reach and never do. Janet is blessed by nature and she knows and appreciates it. Playing for the first time anywhere, this groovadelic Janet Jade video “Won’t You Take Me To Funkytown?” is a boobie-jiggling, booty-shaking go-go dance party mix for the sophisticated, finger-snappin’ hepcats of the Boob Generation. Janet, the sexiest top-popper in all of motor city Detroit, funks it up in more ways than you can dream of. “I really didn’t start to like my boobs until I started dancing when I was 19,” sez Janet. “Then I realized how much guys liked them, and the attention was good.” Dance, Janet! Dance!
ScoreCash: Webmaster MoneyMaker
Title: “Won’t You Take Me To Funkytown?”
Submited by: admin
Category: Big Tits, Natural Boobs, ScoreVideos
Added on: January 31st, 2011
Views: 2,636 views