Dawn Stone is considered one of the top SCORE Girls by many fans. We began photographing Dawn in 1996. She attended Boob Cruise 1998 and 2000, where she was beloved by the fans for her many qualities and had them growing wood faster than a Brazilian rain forest. In 2001, Dawn visited SCORE to star in a special movie called Ultimate Dawn Stone. The plan: Show Dawn, then show Dawn sexing with another big-boobed hottie, and then cap off the event with Dawn being fucked. Now a bona-fide SCORE Classic, Ultimate Dawn Stone opens with the North Carolina delight arriving at SCORE HQ in a segment called Meet Dawn. She hangs out for a bit with the boys in the office, gets interviewed, spends some time in the dressing room and does her first video, a titty and toy time pleasure party.
ScoreCash: Webmaster MoneyMaker
Title: Ultimate Dawn Stone: Meet Dawn
Submited by: admin
Category: Big Tits, ScoreVideos
Added on: January 31st, 2011
Views: 2,660 views